Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You Gotta Love it

A key part of President Obama's energy plan -- replacing fossil fuels with green alternatives -- is facing increasing opposition from an unlikely source: environmentalists.

Some environmentalists, who have successfully fought a wind farm on the border of Oregon and Washington, are trying to block a massive solar plant in the Mojave desert. And now an Oregon county is considering a ban on wind power in the foothills of the blue mountains.

"We all want to be as green as we can be. But at what cost?" Richard Jolly of the Blue Mountain Alliance. "To take everything from us? This valley could be surrounded by them."

Seems the tree huggers want all this new green crap, just as long as it's not in their backyard. Wasn't that the same thing they said about oil. We will take all we can get, as long as they don't drill for it here.

It's just too funny to see them hustling around trying to find excuses to put that noisy windmill and ugly solar panel in someone else's back yard. I wonder if we are going to have to import solar and wind power next. Just amazing that they can't even be happy when they win.

I expect the dems to knuckle under to them again since they were a vocal group of supporters. Welcome to the real world of the Al Gore's nightmare on elm street.

1 comment:

  1. Solar and wind are such a joke anyway. Most people want electricity even on cloudy days and days the wind don't blow. The only way the utility companies can do that is some other way to produce the same amount of electricity. So they have to burn fossil fuel or nuclear. So you have to keep and maintain two separate facilities for producing electricity. All that does is double the overhead of producing the same amount of energy. And now they don't want green energy either. I guess we need to become a third world country and live in grass huts. Maybe that would make them happy...............Bob
