Monday, June 29, 2009

Trying to be patient

First of all let me say, I am not really involved with the economy the way most people are. My wife and I are both retired so we tend to see the economy philosophically. Well all except the rising prices. Even those haven't really started yet but I know it is on the way. That is unless Odrama has a direct link with God so the he changes the laws of supply and demand for him.

In the meantime jobs are still going to china and we are still spending like a drunken sailor. My bike is being beat to death on the crappy roads that were supposed to be repaired. I still have to carry a supplemental insurance policy for the medicare insurance which I never use. Universal health care based on that system won't really be the end all people hope.

The economic numbers are not any better if anything they are worse now. The messiah isn't performing the miracles he promised. The people are beginning to see that most of the campaign promises were lies. The man who wouldn't lie isn't president. The one who lied to us all is.

A different kind of politics. Yes it is. React not to right and wrong but to politically expedient is now the order of the day. What happened in Iran was wrong. It was wrong on day one, but since the polls hadn't come out Odrama voted present. He only got outraged when people began holding his feet to the fire. Even now he thinks he can talk the Iranian government out of building a nuke. What planet is this guy from.

What he does about the Korean freighter with the possible arms cargo is going to be a test for him,. One I hope for the safety of the world he can pass. If not every country that can raise the price will have a Nuke one day.

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