Thursday, July 23, 2009

I haven't made many comments lately the news is too depressing. I think I need to say something,when the president of the united states weighs in on a local police issue someone needs to defend the underdog. Anyone who has to face the critique of a sitting president is definitely an underdog.

I was once a cop. I took my fair share of abuse from all races. Nobody likes to deal with a cop and the poor cop seldom is able to please everyone. The exception might be delivering a healthy baby. That unfortunately is a rarity. Mostly it's a boring eight hours with about ten minutes of insane fear.

Now add to that the BS a cop takes from people who get all wound up and won't calm down and you probably have the incident in question. Yes it was a cops discretion what happened that night. Did he act right or wrong. Frankly I don't know all the fact but then I doubt that the president does either.

Looks to me like it's going to be a long four years for cops and the military. When they run out of things to blame on Bush, Chaney, I suppose it's going to be cops and spies. Keep the pot boiling so no one notices the emperor is naked.

This is about cops not about the president. Thought I do admit I am a conservative republican.... Just to be completely honest..... But frankly I would defend cops, spies and soldiers against anyone.

By the way I was advocating health care for the working poor for years. A lot of good republicans were. But I think the way to do is to leave the system alone and have a reduced coverage and premium health insurance.

Make the co payments high enough that it isn't used frivolously and you would get a lot of what everybody wants. Hospitals are already providing car for the indigent so lets make low cost health insurance available. we don't really need a reinvent the wheel.


  1. Yep Deacon, that would be a significant step in the right direction. Tort reform would also make a substantial difference. But big time tort lawyers would never go for anything that might cost them some ill gotten gains. Humm, you think the pres might be in bed with tort lawyers? Or maybe he are one..................Bob

  2. All things are possible in this brave new world.
