Sunday, April 5, 2009

Double dose of BS

1. NKorea launches rocket, defying world pressure
2. Analysis: Obama no-nukes pledge is not so far-fetched

Am I the only one who sees how crazy this is. Is this guy serious he wants us to go into a gun fight with the likes of North Korea armed with swords. Lets get rid of all out nukes and HOPE the petty dictators of this world will do the same. Have all of our leaders gone mad.

We allowed the NK to fire their missile, who everyone knows had nothing to do with peaceful space exploration. I can't imagine any other ruler in the whole world with the ability to stop that, allowing it to happen. This guy better grow some balls or he will have a tragedy on his hands pretty darn quick.

This was the ultimate test of star wars technology. We pretty much knew where the damn thing was going. It was as close to a sitting duck as we could ever have had.

I could have envisioned an oops scenario. One where a sailor pushed the button accidentally. We can't prove they were testing a ballistic missile and they couldn't prove that it wasn't an accident. Sure the world would know, so what they know that NK tested a missile to drop on LA. We are the only ones who would allow a dress rehearsal for mass murder to happen. Welcome to the world of no balls Obama.

They want to kid themselves that they are fighting the just war in Afghanistan BS. It is no more just than Iraq. They are tying down the Taliban and other militants there just as Bush did in Iraq. When the number of deaths go up, and they will as all the resources of the bad guys switch there, then the pressure to get out will fall on Obama. It's going to be interesting except for the loss of life that it will bring about.

Well this one the democrats called just when it was the second front. Now that it is the only front, we will have to remind them of their support for this one. Let's see how many run away from it when the weather changes and the bad guys crawl out of the mountains.

1 comment:

  1. I think that when Russia gets to the point to say that they have no more nukes, it will because they sold them all to Iran!

    Obama?? Who knows just what his real agenda is in saying such things. I don't trust him for a minute. I'm sure it's just another smokescreen to hide what he's really doing, just like he did with all the hype about AIG!

    North Korea?? Yeah, they got some balls, don't they! I wonder who's in alliance with them. It will be interesting to see just what kind of real threat they may or may not become.

    I heard recently that as the G-20 summit concluded, that England announced that "we" have all just entered a new world order. If this is indeed true, then we can kiss our independence goodbye and start walking the walk of world law...................depressing!
