Thursday, April 23, 2009

I might be the only one

I might be the only right winger to say let them prosecute everyone they want to. I expect they are going to find that there is nothing to prosecute. Right now they are making political hay. What's it going to be like if they find there was nothing illegal done. Will they apologize? not a chance. At least they might shut up about it. Even if they find something they can call illegal, what jury do you think will find anyone guilty. Not if the defense lawyer explains what it was they authorized and what good it did.

Do we want our grand kid's safety in the hands of one so timid that water boarding makes him cringe. I want someone in the oval office who will do whatever it takes to keep my grand kids safe. We might differ on what that is, but at least be willing to do it if it works. They chop off heads and we water board only the worst of them and this makes us the bad guys. Get a grip people...

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