Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why bother?

From Yahoo news:

The U.S. could seek action in the U.N. Security Council -- a move that China may not block -- if North Korea launches a rocket, a U.S. official said Wednesday.

I still don't know why we bother with this kind of thing. I know Bush did it and every other president does it but why the hell do we bother. Maybe someone here can think of a case where UN action short of a military strike actually accomplished something. The only case I can think of might be those real radicals in South Africa. Otherwise it's all just talk.

I suppose the hope is that if we can make the people of the country so miserable they will rise up and take over. The problem with that is only the military have guns, and they are not afraid to use them on their own people. So what we are really asking is "How much do we have to starve you before you will commit suicide."

When that missile hits international waters shoot the son of a bitch down and be done with it. With our current leaders the odds of that are about the same as the North Koreans pounding their missiles into plow sheers because they hear our new president give a speech.

When the first NK nuke goes off on US soil, someone might take them seriously. Oh they won't get it here themselves on a missile. When one goes off you can bet there will be a bunch of new spending in NK though. They will build another nuke to sell to some other crazies. They sell that stupid short range rocket of theirs to the highest bidder, regardless of the UN Sanctions. That's what you do when the UN sanctions you, you just ignore it.

Pakistan supplies the know how and NK builds the nuke for the bad guys. When that happens who do we retaliate against. The people of Pakistan will not have been the ones who attacked us. The peasants of NK will not have been the ones who built the nuke. So what exactly do we do. Nukes are terror weapons pure and simple. So who are we willing to terrorize these days.

I lay this problem at the doorstep of at least all the last half dozen presidents. You can hate Any of them you like but they all share the blame. None of them could create the popular revolution. They could not simply because you can not have a truly successful unarmed uprising. Change from within NK was a pipe dream. It was an easy way of pushing the problem onto someone else.

A Nuclear armed Taliban type government in Pakistan is a very real possibility. A nuclear armed Iran is also a possibility as well. Those are in addition to a nuclear NK. With our humanitarian ideals who will we retaliate against if it happens. With no credible threat of retaliation where is the deterrence.

Will the cold war strategy, the threat of total annihilation stop any of these countries from giving a nuke to terrorists. Why would it, none of the current leaders are willing to say the same things to these thugs that Ronald Regan said on the radio. Sure it was a joke said into an open mike by accident. "Bad news the Russians launched a nuclear strike, go news the Soviet Union no longer exists," Guess what it doesn't...

It's time somebody had the balls to explain to NK and Iran, yes even to Pakistan. exactly what will happen if they hand one of these bombs to terrorists. Also explain that it will not be delivered by the UN. There will be no debate and no one is going to bother worrying about who their friends are either. It should be someone they will believe. Nobody would believe a Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or our current president because they all believe you can stop bullets with words and plastic bedpans.

I told my daughter once, I would like for you to obey me because you love and respect me. If you can't do that then you better obey me because you fear me. Either way the result has to be the same. You are going to obey me. Okay maybe that did not make for a great short term relationship, but it did get her into adult life safely.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt and a great view point on the subject!

    I think things would be different if these politicians, especially the president, would have a missile strike directly targeted at them and their families.

    If those jets of 9/11 hit the White House and took it out, there would be Hell to pay, but when it comes to those outside of the circle of our leadership, it sure seems that they are more likely to play footsie with it all!

    Just my opinion.............
