Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My wife twisted her knee so I have been doing her leg work. I am not a nice guy so I tend to get a little testy, when things don't go perfectly. So she says to me this morning, "We need to go to the post office." I tried not to imagine the post office as I have always known them to be.

So as I leave the car she says, "Get me a book of Madona and Child stamps."

I get inside and there are eight people ahead of me. They all have multiple packages. I knew right then it was frustration city coming my way. Sometimes I hate being right but I was this morning. It took two hours to get there, wife timed it at fifteen minutes but I swear it was two hours. When I finally get to the window the woman says. I don't have any of those in my drawer let me go to the safe to get more.

Another hour, five minutes, before she comes back to tell me that they have sold out of that particular stamp. I just took my money and walked away. When I got back to the car my wife said, "Well didn't you get another kind."

"Heck no." I said. "If I had you would have told me that we came just for THOSE stamps." After a few short words. I bought a different book of stamps for her at the grocery store. We had to go there anyway.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well it appears we are going to have health care reform whether the people want it or not. Of course there will be a price to pay for those who forget who the boss really is.

Everyone I know understands that this health care isn't healthy for them.

Friday, November 13, 2009

the only shock here...

The only people shocked by the administration's running around trying to claim that the Fort Hood shooting was NOT a terrorist action are those people who are still in denial as well. And probably those who are still trying to find a way to blame Bush or Chaney for it.

I have no idea how long it will be before the rest of the country wakes up to the fact that it really is a war going on out there. You can just bet that terrorism will come visit us again, just as long as we appear to be an easy target.

People still don't seem to get the notion that we are going to have to fight these guys somewhere. Bush/Chaney chose their spot and fought terrorist in Iraq. Now it looks as though the bad guys are going to be choosing the spots. We are going back on defense in the war on terror. It is stupid but predictable.

We made the argument for years,if we didn't fight them in Iraq, we would be fighting them somewhere else. These guys are going to attack us somewhere, but none of the bleeding hearts would listen. They all thought, and still do, that we can love our enemy into submission, good luck with that one.

Now no matter what 'the boy blunder' decides in Afghanistan, we look weak. Just because he is stalling the decision hoping to make some kind of personal victory out of this mess. Sometimes you just gotta take the licks kid. Try for once to put the petty political bullshit aside and DO THE RIGHT THING for us, not just yourself.

Can you Imagine, in this day of war on traditional religions, what would have been said by these jerks if the shooter had been named Goldburg. I am just amazed by all this new age thinking. Most of the time I'm glad that I'm old.

Friday, November 6, 2009

It's our own fault

The shooting at Fort Hood is our government's fault as much as anyone. No not because of our foreign policy, but because of our desire to be politically correct. This man had all the signs of a mass killer, but he was ignored because we didn't want to offend our Muslin citizens. Thirteen soldiers paid the price for our collective cowardliness.

When will someone finally have the balls to say, these people are dangerous and we are going to protect ourselves. If you don't like it, move the hell out of our country. If you can't stand with America, then get the hell out.

I don't care what your political bend, this is war not a criminal matter. Now damn it the politicians need to man up and do the right thing in memory of those soldiers at for hood, or they are going to be just as guilty as the man who pulls the next trigger. Don't look at religion, color, or anything else when you do your job, just do it damn it. This guy should never have been in a the military at the time of this shooting. If he hadn't been Muslim he would have been out on his ass a dozen times for his actions, NOT HIS BELIEFS.

Damn these cowardly politician make me sick to my stomach.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

is it in trouble

Two things the democrats forgot and I'm almost sorry they are getting a wake up call so early. What got them the landslide was a one time event. They had a charismatic minority candidate. Minorities came out in droves to vote for him, and the highly idealistic independents did the same.

When two white men ran against each other this time, those two groups stayed home. Plus there is a little cult fatigue as well. So the wake up call is out there. I have a feeling all those moderate blue dog democrats are going to run like hell from the left wing agenda now. That big old mandate for change, that the leadership was beating them over the head with, took a fatal blow last night. At least in my opinion.

It's time to control the growing national debt before our money is worthless. I think there was a message sent. I would rather have them find out in the major elections next year but I'm not sure there is anything they can do about it. Once they lose that super majority things will take a change for the better. The people who want this country to be more socialist will have to take a back seat again. I wonder why they can't figure out that this was the greatest country on earth until they started to 'IMPROVE'it.

Clean up the immigration mess next. Both parties need to stop worrying about the next generation of voters and do what's right for the country.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's 50/50

So the democrats health care plan is at 50/50 with the American people. No wait there is no plan. Will it still be 50/50 when the people know what is in the damn thing.

More seniors now believe they won't take a hit. How naive. Seniors should listen to what the politicians are saying. You don't save that amount of money on medicare without cutting benefits. Try asking them where those savings are going to come from. Pen them down to details not some pie in the sky "Oh we can find the money without touching the services." Yeah and I can fly a jet airliner, any of you guys want to sign up for the maiden flight. You are doing a similar thing, if you back this nonsense.

We have to stop spending more than we earn or seniors biggest problem will not be medicare. It is going to be how to heat your house or buy your food. Some of us might be sharing food with our dogs now, but if hyper inflation hits, it will the dog's food we are sharing.

doesn't anybody read history anymore?

Take a look a the outpost that almost got overrun.

Way too much like din bin phew (sic) where the french foreign legion got their collective asses handed to them by General Jap in the old indochina war. It was the battle that created vietnam.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My sister passed away last week. It was a terrible roller coaster ride at the end. For her sake I am glad that it is over. Copd is an insidious killer. So if you smoke for god's sake quit or make a living will now.

Today I saw an article on yahoo. Dems: GOP rooting against America... They mention how the GOP accused anyone who didn't agree with their position on Iraq as being unpatriotic. Now they say the GOP is because the conservatives were happy when Obama failed to bring the Olympics to America. And of course the Rush Limbaugh comment comes back again about hoping Obama fails.

Well I'm a republican and I think I speak for a lot of us. Not wanting the cult of Obama to be successful is not the same as not wanting the people of America to be successful. The Dems hated George Bush and bashed him every chance they got.

Now that it is their dog in the middle of the fight, they want to cry foul. I don't think that is cricket ya'll. So not wanting the Democrats socialistic policies to succeed is a far cry from wanting American soldiers to die from lack of bullets.

I don't want the government in the insurance business, I don't want them in the banking business, and I don't want them in the automobile business. I read something yesterday that I think describes most of us. In a crisis from a flood to a melt down in the banking business, we want the government to step in and help, then we want them to get the hell out of the way.

The credit market went south because the government began telling banks to make shaky loans. Well the banks made them and then when they failed they expected the government who pressured them into those loans to step in. They did and they should have. Banks I think would like to make only good loans but they get criticized for doing that. Come on people clean up you crap then leave the guys alone. If GM can't compete in he market place because of the labor unions then let them sink and the unions explain to the workers why they failed. A new company would never sign the kinds of contracts that were burdening GM.

Well anyway, GOD BLESS AMERICA just so you know where this republican stands.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My sister has copd and has been in and out of the hospital a lot this year. Her insurance is medicare, which is what I have as well these days. So she has been in the hospital and stays until medicare decides she is well enough to leave. I have never thought that she was mistreated or that enough was not done, but they do rush her out of the hospital, when I think she needs more care.

So when medicare decides to stop paying the doctors send her home. So tell me how the hell are they going to save billions without cutting off those payments even earlier. And how the hell is cutting off payments not rationing health care. It can only get worse if the government goes into the health care business.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jimmy showed us again why no one should pay any attention to him. While he was president he was being groomed to be an ex president and still doesn't have it right.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Well tonight the head cheerleader will try to rally the troupes. I'm not going to watch it but I am interested in the after action reports. What rabbits will he pull from the hat. Or will he just try to again bedazzle those who voted for him. After all he did promise them change. They just didn't ask exactly what change. I do hope someone states the nuts and bolts of this change since all I hear is conflicting versions of this great health care change.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I got this in my email. I didn't do a fact check but it seems about right to me.

Are we on the wrong page…?

A vehicle at 15 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 800 gallons a year of gasoline.

A vehicle at 25 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average "Cash for Clunkers" transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles – so that's 224 million gallons /year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels of oil is about ¼ of one day's US consumption.

And, 5 million barrels of oil costs about $350 million dollars at $70/bbl.

So, we all contributed to spending $3 billion to save $350 million.

How good a deal was that ???

They'll probably do a great job with health care though!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

nice trade queenie

In an interview published Saturday, British Justice Secretary Jack Straw said trade considerations, particularly a deal for oil company BP, played a major role in the decision to include Megrahi in a prisoner transfer agreement between Britain and Libya.

So the brits traded their honor for oil. Now there is a shock. So now we know in some parts of the world, and maybe here now as well, terrorism takes a backseat to commerce. It's easier to appease a terrorist than have the balls to hang his ass. At least we had the balls to fight for out oil lol.

Well he ain't Capt Kangaroo's buddy

President Barack Obama's environmental adviser Van Jones, who became embroiled in a controversy over past inflammatory statements, has resigned his White House job after what he calls a "vicious smear campaign against me."

So Mr Green Jobs calls it a day. How the hell did such a nut case get a job in any administration. Don't they look at the backgrounds of the people they appoint, or is it more that they don't care, or even worse that they all share the same disdain for their government.

The smear campaign was using his own words against him. That is so unfair, rofl...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I said it before and I'll say it again... Afghanistan is going to break our hearts. As the russians.

Let's see the details before you pass anything

I think the debate needs to be on a solid plan not all this maybe it's this and maybe it's that. Just to be open minded not that I am.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Still in the news

Health care is still in the news. I hear that AARP is losing members because they support health care changes. Somebody should tell them there isn't much chance the administration can save millions of dollars in medicare money without making some serious changes. I think most people who have medicare are satisfied with how it is now. That same mind set is there for those who like their health care just as it is. You go to the family doctor, who decides what you need to do. I'm not sure I want a doctor who answer to the government deciding what I can do.

Of course I'm not using my medicare so my premiums are going to help with the deficit in medicare. Someday I will need it I'm sure. I hate to think that it will be different then.

Oh well at least they stopped calling me un-american for questioning the plan. This particular un american served his country in time of war for them. He also paid his taxes and held a job for all those years. I wasn't unamerican until I stopped agreeing with the government. What a load of horse manure.

We condemned Iran for squashing decent but it's okay for these guys to do it. I just don't know where their heads are.

I also do not feel the moral imperative to provide government sponsored health care for every American. There are lots of people who could afford health care today but choose not to buy it. There were times in my life when I didn't carry health care. I knew the it was risky but I preferred to spend my money on wine women and song. So they are going to make us all cover people who don't feel they need to be covered. Well at least their taxes will go up as well. Oh they probably don't pay taxes so will be exempt. Well maybe we won't have to pay them to take the insurance. Then again who knows.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

healthcare in the news

I find it rather sad that if your opinion is not the administration's opinion then you must be crazy. NO matter what they say now, they began by trying to stifle descent just as the government did in Iran. Well they didn't use the army, they just tried to bully anyone who disagreed. I find that sad and dangerous. I know every president.

For a while the scripts from the two governments were interchangeable. No wonder the president was so slow to condemn Iran. He knew what he was going to do about his own critics.

Oh well at least someone woke him up. Now they are saying disagreements are good. Seems you can't bully Americans anymore than they could bully Iranians.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time for some reason here
I come from a family of conservatives. We all own guns. My dad was a bird hunter and made sure we each has a shotgun when he passed away. Actually there were more than one gun each in the estate. I had two rifles and a shotgun plus a shotgun I had purchased myself.

So I do have an interest of gun control issues. First of all let me say there is enough bull manure on the issue to grow most of the corn in Iowa. Let me start with my side's argument that is bogus.

The 2nd amendment and the militia thing. The idea was that if the new government tried to walk on the rights of the people, the people would take their muskets and change the government. At the time nobody knew if this democracy thing would work. Well in the two hundred plus years since, we have not needed to have a popular uprising. Well maybe the civil war would be an uprising of that nature.

But today I would hate to think of me going up against a trained soldier with an m16 and me with a duck gun. There is just no way a civilian army with shotguns is going to defeat the government. So both sides need to just get past that argument.

Now the other side argues that criminals won't have guns to kill you with, if they can't buy them. If they stopped making guns today, there would be enough existing guns in this country to arm every criminal (who is not going to pay a bit of attention to your control laws) for at least a thousand years. Let's be honest here. I gave you the militia thing now give me that you can't disarm criminals. If you want to pass a law that criminals committing crimes with firearms will be shot on sight, I doubt that the nra will object.

Civilians carrying concealed weapons is a jump ball in my opinion. I would suggest to you that gun crimes are very unlikely by people who go to all the trouble and jump through all the hoops to get a carry permit. I just wouldn't worry about them. It's just a logical thing. Then again I don't want some untrained yahoo with marginal control of his emotions in a crowded restaurant with a gun on his hip either. Maybe make it very hard to get one (I think it is already) and shoot the offenders on sight.

Assault weapons is another problem for me. I don't mind that my neighbor has the Chinese version of the AK17. I would mind if some of the guys who lived in the hood around me did though. So that one I'm ambivalent on. You want to ban assault weapons I won't fight you that much. However know that we see it as the first step on total banning of guns and I will fight you on that one.

Permits to buy hand guns. I have no problem with that at all. The only thing I would ever use a gun for these days is to protect my family from home invasion. For that I have a shotgun (not one of my dads) that has a barrel cut to trench length. Trench gun length is 1/4 longer than the shortest legal limit. It is my opinion, at night in a dark house, even an experienced marksman can't hit a thug with a pistol. Give me #4 duck shot in a short barreled shotgun and I'll show you mass destruction. If you try to ban guns for home protection you will see a riot at the ballot box.

Now for the gun accident garbage. There are a thousand times more people killed accidentally by cars but nobody wants to ban cars. There are even more people killed by poison accidentally than by guns. I haven't heard anyone suggesting we ban Draino.

Come on folks be honest, why do they really want to ban guns. It isn't to enslave the population, **** we already are enslaved. I think it is a more about attitude than anything else. If the state is going to own everything, the individual's right to protect what is his has to be eliminated. The state wants to decide the value of your life, IE the punishment for the man who breaks into your house and kills you. As it is now, I get to decide his punishment. I still have that small bit of basic control. Some people want to tell me I don't have the right to defend myself because I might go too far. Only the cop who arrives ten minutes after I'm dead, and the jury of his peers can give him real justice. I'm sorry but I don't see it that way. So that is the real argument. Who has the right to decide your fate. Does your life have value as an individual or not, that to me is the basic argument.

For me see it's a personal/practical thing. I don't much care for this grandiose BS. Let's just cut to the chase. Now some liberal needs to tell me his version just so we know.

Just so you know I do not consider this about politics.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Michael Vick back on the block

Vick didn't just fight dogs, he killed them, if they didn't fight well. He is going to be allowed to participate in a professional sport viewed by millions. If I were a big football fan, I'm not sure how I would feel about the sport and the commissioner. I know as a mildly interested fan, I am sick. We get upset if we see or hear of animal abuse or neglect, what this man did goes beyond either. He did his time so he is free, okay, fine. Why the hell would a professional sport reward him for what he has done.

Vick in, my opinion, should be out working as a plumber or a carpenter. Let him learn a few values not based on million dollar contracts. I hope they rerun the dog town series on rehabilitating those dogs. My heart aches for the ones that he killed, they had a miserable life, then suffered a miserable death. The man is a serial killer in the making as far as I'm concerned.

That's my opinion and I sticking to it.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

health care and me

I have been looking at health care and decided it's a mess any way you look at it. When some gangbanger gets shot he gets carried to the er. The er can't refuse to treat him so they spend a zillion dollars keeping this thug alive.

When my sister checks in tomorrow for minor surgery, her bill is ten times what it should be. She is paying a part of the gangbanger's bill. That's just not fair. But then under the govt plan the gangbanger gets treated the new insurance company (that is spelled tax payer) picks up the tab. That health care cost is just hidden in with all the other crap we pay for. The dollars are going to be the same in the end. Who are we kidding here, there is nobody in this country who does not have access to emergency care. We are going to foot the bill no matter how you cut it. Too bad we are a country of good people or we could just let the thug die. Problem comes when we decide who decides who is worth saving. Exactly who makes that decision.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I haven't made many comments lately the news is too depressing. I think I need to say something,when the president of the united states weighs in on a local police issue someone needs to defend the underdog. Anyone who has to face the critique of a sitting president is definitely an underdog.

I was once a cop. I took my fair share of abuse from all races. Nobody likes to deal with a cop and the poor cop seldom is able to please everyone. The exception might be delivering a healthy baby. That unfortunately is a rarity. Mostly it's a boring eight hours with about ten minutes of insane fear.

Now add to that the BS a cop takes from people who get all wound up and won't calm down and you probably have the incident in question. Yes it was a cops discretion what happened that night. Did he act right or wrong. Frankly I don't know all the fact but then I doubt that the president does either.

Looks to me like it's going to be a long four years for cops and the military. When they run out of things to blame on Bush, Chaney, I suppose it's going to be cops and spies. Keep the pot boiling so no one notices the emperor is naked.

This is about cops not about the president. Thought I do admit I am a conservative republican.... Just to be completely honest..... But frankly I would defend cops, spies and soldiers against anyone.

By the way I was advocating health care for the working poor for years. A lot of good republicans were. But I think the way to do is to leave the system alone and have a reduced coverage and premium health insurance.

Make the co payments high enough that it isn't used frivolously and you would get a lot of what everybody wants. Hospitals are already providing car for the indigent so lets make low cost health insurance available. we don't really need a reinvent the wheel.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's getting worse to be followed by disasterous

The joblessness is not being effected by the stimulus but inflation will be down the road. I know it is selfish but I wish they had just let the economy work itself out. If they had nothing would have been very different I expect. Except the coming inflationary pressures would have been less.

I am saving my pennies for the coming winter gas bills.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

on russia and nukes

US-Russia framework deal on arms control expected...

I can not believe that Odrama is suggesting that we drop the verification of nukes as part of a Russian pact. Tell me that when dealing with nukes he isn't really willing to take ANYONE'S word for their destruction. I have grand kids in this world he is going to put in the hands of the Russians on faith alone. We had the North Koreans ready to sell technology to anyone with the bucks, and now the Russians saying oh yeah we promise to destroy our nukes, if you promise to destroy yours. What world is this yahoo living in.

Regan spent Russia into bankruptcy to end the cold war, and now Odrama is going to spend us into bankruptcy to lower the earth's temperature 1 or 2 degrees and to provide more unemployment. You did know that the inflation he is creating will also lead to even more unemployment.

Meanwhile the Russian can now build their military back with petro dollars while we won't be able to afford Chinese made uniforms for our troups. I guess he is good with us fighting the next war naked. Damn what is he doing to us.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Trying to be patient

First of all let me say, I am not really involved with the economy the way most people are. My wife and I are both retired so we tend to see the economy philosophically. Well all except the rising prices. Even those haven't really started yet but I know it is on the way. That is unless Odrama has a direct link with God so the he changes the laws of supply and demand for him.

In the meantime jobs are still going to china and we are still spending like a drunken sailor. My bike is being beat to death on the crappy roads that were supposed to be repaired. I still have to carry a supplemental insurance policy for the medicare insurance which I never use. Universal health care based on that system won't really be the end all people hope.

The economic numbers are not any better if anything they are worse now. The messiah isn't performing the miracles he promised. The people are beginning to see that most of the campaign promises were lies. The man who wouldn't lie isn't president. The one who lied to us all is.

A different kind of politics. Yes it is. React not to right and wrong but to politically expedient is now the order of the day. What happened in Iran was wrong. It was wrong on day one, but since the polls hadn't come out Odrama voted present. He only got outraged when people began holding his feet to the fire. Even now he thinks he can talk the Iranian government out of building a nuke. What planet is this guy from.

What he does about the Korean freighter with the possible arms cargo is going to be a test for him,. One I hope for the safety of the world he can pass. If not every country that can raise the price will have a Nuke one day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

it ain't principle

Seems Obama's suddenly getting it was a lot more politics than principle. Principle would have been on day one. On day ten or whatever it is now, it is just trying to catch the wave. I wonder if those who expected change,were expecting odrama to do more than be a watered down Bill Clinton. If they did they are in for an even bigger surprise down the road.

I'm so smart but then everyone else is to. I mean the lost weekend of the governor from SC. If you DIDN'T think there was a woman involved you surely voted democratic because you can be fooled by anyone.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thoughts on the iranian unrest

As is usually the case, Odrama's actions and his words are far apart. Iran may or may not actually change because of what's happening now, but America should have stood with the people of Iran. This yahoo wants to please everyone so he doesn't make a statement at all. Is he afraid of that clown who is the so called president of a third rate nation. Probably,

If Odrama had any balls, he would have just said we stand with the Iranian people and those who legitimately represent them. If the government shuts down the free access of information it is for a reason. Pure and simple that, if nothing else, puts the election in question as far as I am concerned. Do an open investigation or no more contact with them period.

So Odrama how about it do you have the balls to take a stand on this that isn't appeasement.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

check it out

I started a new road story here

Saturday, June 13, 2009

thoughts on the iranian election

Wouldn't it be nice to have a democratic uprising in Iran. Not likely yet but GW sowed the seeds for it. We will have to wait and see if anything sprouts.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

two things of interest

The first is there is a lot of talk going around on the net about the war in iraq going on longer than world war two. Even saying iraq is smaller than any of the countries we fought in ww2....

The comparison is bogus because I also just read that the casualty count is 4300. Now even one death is too many, but Iraq is hardly in the same league as ww2 or even Vietnam. So get a grip folks. Iraq is unique just like all the other wars. If you try to compare it to any other American war, then you are comparing balloons to hand grenades.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Odrama at the death camp

Odrama visited one of the infamous death camps. How many sides of an issue can he come down on. Yesterday it was Muslims who thought he was all on their side. Today it is Jews he is courting. Is there a chance that someday he will take a real stand on something. I think he has studied double speak from Bill Clinton. He talks about confronting evil, and does nothing substantive about N Korea. N Korea and Iran are the ultimate evil regimes in this world.

I know everyone is looking to Afghanistan as his showplace but that is going to be a pie in the face for him. That is a country that will never change no matter how much the Democrats say it was the good war. Bush didn't go balls to the wall there because it can not be won. Now that Iraq is winding down, the nuts of the middle east will be in Afghanistan fighting with the Taliban. This ain't a movie like Charlie Wilson's war. It is real life and I don't know if the American people have the stomach for it any more than they had for Iraq.

In Vietnam there were 50,000 plus casualties compared to 4,000 in Iraq and the war in Iraq sealed John MeCain's fate. Wait till the bodies pile up in Afghanistan. You can't put much spin on the body count.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

more distrubing news

More disturbing events. I'm sorry voter intimidation is a crime. The law is supposed to be color blind why drop the case after you won it. I wonder why I can't make that a link. You have to copy and paste it to read about it.

Lots of shady things going on these days.

Angry Neighbors Won't Be Charged in Beating of Suspect in 11-Year-Old Girl's Rape

Thursday, June 04, 2009

In a different story at least someone got it right. It probably is making the aclu furious but it was the right thing.

Still no substance

Well Odrama did it again. Made a huge hype about nothing. Just a bunch of empty words but at least he didn't sell Israel down the river in the speech. What he did do was minimize the support to terrorist of the Islamic world. Is he trying to say that we can work with those who promote terrorism. If there is no democracy in the middle east. There well be leaders who rape their people and blame their ills on the other. The others have always been the Christians and the Jews.

It is an inconvenient truth but the governments of the middle east have to change before there will be lasting peace.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I haven't read the speech yet

I haven't read it but I have sure heard the spin they are trying to put on it. I have a lot of concerns about O'bama after all this. Is he going to take us back to terror acts are just another criminal act by a few crazies as Bill Clinton treated them. Giving them that impression is just asking for more and more till they make their point. The point being this is a war of ideas. You can't leave the world to these nuts.

Make no mistake there are plenty of nuts on our side but we haven't been engaging in open warfare like those guys. I sure hope it never comes to that in this country. With the doors wide open and the president trying to make nice to the people who want to kill us I just don't know.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It seems ominous

It looks as though the white house is trying to soften the blow by getting ahead of the presidents speech. Is he really going to say he will not back Israel in a conflict with Iran. Is this man really going to allow a second holocaust just to appease Iranian crazies. Please tell me he is not going to get into bed with sponsors of terrorism.

It looks that way folks. I originally thought there was nothing he could do to damage this country that couldn't be fixed later. If he changes our relationship with our allies then it might lead to a terrible tragedy.

Dear God please don't allow O'drama to make the same mistakes most democrats make. The world is a dangerous place. Don't let this clown embolden a viper and hope it won't strike. We need to Live up to our commitments for god sake. Don't leave my grandson to the mercy of The Irans of this world. Stand bye those who stand by us.

The country I am leaving my grandson will not be the country I lived in. This is a huge mistake and people need to wake up. Congress needs to put a damper on this crap and do it now.

We don't have the balls to stop Iran from going nuclear, for gods sake don't throw the people who do have the balls under a bus to appease who. Appease people who hate us. Is this clown going to be the new Neville Chamberlain?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Government motors is a fact

Gov't firmly behind the wheel at GM

This is shaping up to be the biggest fiasco in history. Well come big or stay home chillin. I was hoping that they could find a way to keep the government out of a management position but I understand that the government has a 60% equity share in the company. So dem and da union now own GM good luck guys. Your next gm car will cost a hundred thousand dollars and run like crap.

They will be the biggest argument yet for buying foreign. There is so much trust in the government that no one in their right mind will ever buy a gm car.

It won't be long before the unions demand all those concessions back. And since they can also remind the government who put them in power, they will get them whether we know it or not. Now guess who gets to pay for the losses the company will accumulate. You guessed brotherin.

Get your 2009 obamabile here folks. You heard it here first... Yes it gets a hundred miles to the gallon and everyone gets financed. Not to worry if we lose money those guys driving a Hyundai pay plenty of taxes, they will hardly notice a little more.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm a gun owning protect youself and your family guy but.....

Why did he have to get the second gun and empty it into the kid. That's just overkill but is it murder, probably not. Something more like illegally discharging a fire arm in the city limits.

it's just part of the new world order

Oil Is Plentiful, Demand Weak. Why Are Gas Prices Going Up?They are hoarding their oil, that's why.

It's the idea that the countries that have an economic base have to support those with no base. You have massive poverty because you do nothing else if you have a valuable resource as your only income. Then hell rig the market so you can continue to do nothing to improve your own base. It's another example of dragging the strong down to the level of the weak. That's how you level the playing field.

It's what we did to education in this country. The powers that be have decided to expand that mistake to include the whole world. Help the poor to move ahead, don't cripple yourself so that you can match their stride.

We need to become energy independent even if we have to kill a few birds in the process. I hate the idea of killing anything as I'm sure every tree hugger does. But I'm sure that the majority of them eat meat. Something had to die to feed you, it's the same with energy. There is no painless solution. Don't make me sit in a cold house so that some snail can live, Make no mistake it will be a cold winter at my house if inflation and the carbon tax do what I expect.

Friday, May 29, 2009

judges and real work

I have been busy working on my motor bike hobby. If I get an especially problematic build, I tend to neglect reading the news. If I don't read then I don't find anything significant enough to comment on. Today thought I did find time. This is the white house line on the new supreme court nominee.

"She was simply making the point that personal experiences are relevant to the process of judging, that your personal experiences have a tendency to make you more aware of certain facts in certain cases, that your experiences affect your understanding," Gibbs said. "I think we agree with all that."

So if this is true for judges why do they instruct a jury to put away personal opinions and judge based solely on the law. Are we going to have different interpretations of the law based on the judges race and religion. If so the courts system will seem more shopping than wallmart. Everyone will want a judge who looks like them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I wonder what happened

I wonder what happened to yesterday's post.

It seems to have gotten lost or removed. It looks as though something went haywire. The gist of it was Odrama will most likely make a few speeches about how terrible North Korea with a bomb is. He might even cut off their rewards for dropping the nuke program. Then I expect him to sit back hope it all goes away. The public has such a short memory that they will let him off the hook even if he wasn't Odrama the master magician of empty words.

Things will just fester till there is a new president and congress with the balls to actually do something. Once all the other terrorist get the picture that nothing is really going to happen it will open season on Americans again.

I really do hope I'm wrong about this.

Ps. has anybody seen all those new bridges and highways we are supposed to get. It's summer and the building looks even less than last year around my town. There is no local tax money at all to work on anything. Budgets are being slashed left and right.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day message...

God bless our troupes in the field. From the special forces operative, or the guy driving a truck taking ammo to the fire teams. or man in the air conditioned office sending checks to their families back home, God bless you each and every one. Some of us have have a healthy respect for those of you putting it out there for us. Thank you and God (whoever yours might be) be with until you are safely home with your family.

For those of you who don't honor the military men and women, who are out there somewhere serving to keep us all free, go to hell.

grave concern

President Obama calls North Korea's announcement "a grave concern to all nations."

Ya think so. So what now O'Drama. You gonna make a couple of more speeches so the media can put you on the evening news, then just let is slip away until one of those nukes is on my grandson's playground. I have no concerns that it will be a missile from N. Korea. I have a concern that it will be a nuke sold to some terrorist group who can raise enough money to pay for it then ship it here in a cargo container. Then truck the container to my grandson's school. Or maybe it will be your grandson's school instead. Not likely they can contain the damage to the white house and capitol hill.

If they could there might be less concern.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where is the drama

Following our new president. There is enough drama in the world right now to keep him on the front pages. W0hen there isn't any more drama, he is going to make some. I'm positive of that.

He chose to address the naval academy this week. He could have gone to west point, the Coast Guard or even the Air Force academies but John McCain's son Jack was graduated from the Naval Academy so he went there. What a no class move that was. The publicity was better since the media could make a big deal of Jack being part of the show. McCain had to ask him not to mention his family in his speech. He did respect that request the president at least did that right, thought I'm sure it was hard for him to do.

Obama wanted to be sure the cameras would rolled when he said I wont send you to war needlessly. That sure takes the military option off the table for most emergencies. Good call BO.. Now the world leaders are sure you have no spine. By the way, Afghanistan is going to break your heart guy. Ask the soviets if you doubt it.

I guess I'm going to have to give him a new name.... Drama Obama... Could he find more excuses to do his politicking or what. I suppose he thinks going to The Navy Academy graduation showed class, well he was wrong. It showed him to be the narcissistic politician some of us knew that he was all along.

Well guys we definitely have not seen the last of him not even for a day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

One more thing

If Gates felt that way about Gitmo why the hell did he take the job when offered it by Bush. I think Gates just likes to get along with whoever is in the white house. I don't have a problem with that but why not just say I don't voice my opinion I am just an employee. No instead he jumps into the fray like a cheap politician. All the respect I had for the guy is flying out the window fast.

Deeds talk bullshit walks.

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – President Barack Obama promised graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy on Friday that, as their commander in chief, he will only send them "into harm's way when it is absolutely necessary." In his first address to military graduates, Obama also pledged to invest in the men and women who defend America's liberty, not just in the weapons they would take with them into battle against 21st century threats.

Is he saying we should not have put the terrorist on the run in Afghanistan. I wonder what his alternative would have been.. Maybe send a couple of cruise missiles to blow up an empty tent.

I wouldn't trust this yahoo to do the right thing. It's easy to promise to give the troupe what they need, let see him talk the democratic congress in to cutting something besides the defense budget. Like maybe some of their give away programs.

Time will tell and I expect that it won't be pretty. I wonder if the press will hold him to this kind of promise. I doubt it they are married to this guy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So who is right and who is wrong.

Obama says we lost our way during the war on terror.

Chaney says we kept you safe. It worked.

So do we want to be buried on the high ground. I wouldn't mind but I would hate to bury my grandson there.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

nothing worth commenting on lately

Pretty much the news speaks for itself. Joe biden giving up state secrets then swearing he didn't. Obama acting like god. That is god with a little g.

I think the Israelis have his number... Give him a fiddle while the middle east burns. Same ole same ole

Monday, May 18, 2009

They did the right thing

Sri Lanka: Tamil Tiger rebel chief has been killed

I don't know if you have been following this story or not but it went like this: for decades these terrorists have been attacking the Sri Lanka people. They have forced children to join the army and at one time ran a shadow state in the north of the country. Does this sound a little like Pakistan at the moment.

So the government finally gets the upper hand on the rebels. They have them backed into a corner and are about to wipe them out. Our president calls for a cease fire. What the hell does he want with a cease fire. That is a chance for the terrorist to withdraw and come back as a gorilla army again.

Fortunately the Government of Sri Lanka said not just no but hell no. They went in and finished the terrorist army. They get a pat on the back from me for a job well done. Make a martyr of the leader, well maybe so, but there won't be any hostage taking and demands for his release either.

What is it when the good guys get the upper hand for a change, the world wants them to just stop and let the bad guys regroup. Sorry the Liberals have it all wrong. Kill them all and let God sort them out, that my opinion. People die in wars, Thats why it's called war. If they didn't it would be called peace.

If you hide a terrorist you are a terrorist. It's kind of like GW said. In this you are with us, or you are with them, period. If you let terrorist live next door, don't be surprised when you are caught in the cross fire.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dancing as hard as he can....

I have done some thinking about this and decided that Obama has to keep on the campaign trail his whole four years to have any chance to keep the people fooled. If the news media and the people take a look at what he has done without seeing him in campaign mode he will fall apart fast.

All flash and bad ideas, I think. We will see what happens, when he can keep dancing no longer. He might be able to dance the whole time or he might have to settle in to be a president, not just a campaigner.

Reverend Wright, no matter what you think of him personally, had it right. In the end Wright is a pastor and Obama is a politician.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

what do you expect?

Guns are selling well, too. Total firearms sales rose 27.5 percent at Smith & Wesson for the three months ending Jan. 31. It's not a sudden interest in hunting behind the increase;

I believe the feeling once was okay it's only money. So I'm not going to risk my life or take someone Else's life over ten bucks in a paper bag. Well I think that thinking has changed.

For one thing we are afraid that as the economy sours the possibility of being a victim increases, Now they feel that the likelihood that a criminal will injuring them has gone up. Also their ability to recover from a loss is down. Probably most likely is that they feel helpless to stop the men in suits and briefcases from stealing their money. They can sure as hell stop the junkie who tries it.

Of course those folks in favor of gun control are up in arms. Why should you have a ak47 to defend your home. I happen to think a shotgun with birdshot is more likely to be of use, but a couple of hundred rounds sprayed in the general direction of a runny nosed junkie should also work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

what you have to have

So what does the United States have to do to really be part of this new world order which the lefties want so much. There is no way one country can have a standard of living so much higher than all the others. So like they said, we have to reduce our standard of living to match the median country or bring all the others up to ours. Now I have no idea what that country is, but I can tell you this. It will much easier to drive ours down than to bring all the others up to our level. I can also see how it's going to happen.

First we have to demonize those who make more than the high average income. Auto workers and finance guys. Then we have to beat their salaries in line with everyone else. To do that the government needs a vote in how the company is run. Look for more government involvement in business and industry.

Then of course we need run away inflation so that the money of the average worker, is worth less. That is the way to cut the standard of living across the board. If you ask Americans to take a cut in pay, to work for say what a Chinese factory worker earns, there would be a revolt. Instead just run the prices up on everyone so the true standard of living falls. Do it in increments and say it's to save their jobs. The sheep will fall in line behind the judas goat.

Yes that is the worst case scenario and there are three kinds of people necessary to make it happen. First you need committed smooth talking politicians to sell the dream not the reality of it all. Then you need enforcers to see that the people are brow beat (the media) into accepting the new order, and finally you need the masses to do what they always do, go along quietly.

Guys big brother is here and his name is Obama... Keep a close eye on the constitution they will be trying to rewrite it to suit themselves. Oh yes one more kind of people have to be in the mix. The people who know better but let it happen.

Hollywood had it wrong, it isn't going to be the age of the machines. It's going to be the age of the sheep. The elitist will lead us to the ovens and most of the masses will go with a smile on their faces.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

what happens when we can't repay this

WASHINGTON – The government will have to borrow nearly 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year, exploding the record federal deficit past $1.8 trillion under new White House estimates. Budget office figures released Monday would add $89 billion to the 2009 red ink — increasing it to more than four times last year's all-time high as the government hands out billions more than expected for people who have lost jobs and takes in less tax revenue from people and companies making less money.

The unprecedented deficit figures flow from the deep recession, the Wall Street bailout and the cost of President Barack Obama's economic stimulus bill — as well as a seemingly embedded structural imbalance between what the government spends and what it takes in.

As the economy performs worse than expected, the deficit for the 2010 budget year beginning in October will worsen by $87 billion to $1.3 trillion, the White House says. The deterioration reflects lower tax revenues and higher costs for bank failures, unemployment benefits and food stamps.

Just a few days ago, Obama touted an administration plan to cut $17 billion in wasteful or duplicative programs from the budget next year. The erosion in the deficit announced Monday is five times the size of those savings.

Are they going to repo the statue of liberty and melt it down for scrap. Will China take over the big three automakers. No they wouldn't want that. Just the missle defense program. I expect those bozos in charge would give it to them.

And there will be trillions more for a bloated health care system coming to a theater near you. It would be funny except I have begun to like my grandson these days. I hate to see us selling him into slavery. Wait is that what these bozos want a return to slavery with everybody a slave this time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

If you doubt it..

If you doubt that inflation is already here take a look at the prices in the grocery store. In all fairness gasoline is too volatile to use as a marker, but groceries are not. Everything is going up almost weekly in the stores.

Now. would you rather have a temporary recession in the finance market or an overall upward pressure on prices. First Recession effects those who put themselves on the edge of financial ruin. The over extended borrower was the first to feel it. Then industries began to cut back as the country had to wean itself off bad credit induced spending. That effected ten percent of the then working people.

Now who do you think is hurt by inflation. EVERYBODY... Like recession some more than others. If wages rose at the same rate as inflation, just us old guys on incomes that will never be able to keep pace with it would be in trouble. But you know what, most of us have our big expenses trimmed to almost nothing. Inflation hurts us sure, but we have probably as much disposable income as working people. Hell we can even eat cat food if we have to. We know how to survive. My feeling is for the guy with two car payments a house full of rug rats and whose job is low paying anyway. He just can't keep up with the rise in prices.

So America you traded a few jobs for huge inflation to come. Now that's change we CAN'T live with. And who is going to be hurt most? The working poor, the ones who carried the vote for Obama. Well good luck folks.

The unions and government who is indebted to the unions now owns most of Chrysler and soon will of GM. So tell me what are they going to cut if they hope to keep pace with the Chinese and Indian workers who make next to nothing compared to them. And even better the government will be appointing the executives. If you think they can't make a competitive car now. Just wait.

The good news is you can't fool all the people all the time.

I would like to see the GOP represent the WORKING poor a lot better than they have. Let the Democrats have the sick, the lame, and the lazy. What the Gop needs is the single mom who works at flipping burgers on our side. I consider them My people. We just need to speak to them and they will understand. So far we have done a terrible job at that. Somebody get out there and explain what is coming in a few months. Explain what their parents know, there is no free lunch.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

most get two minutes

Most presidents get about two minutes of their press corp dinner speech on tv/ Superstar gets the whole speech. Man when the press bends over they really bend over. Tell me again how there is no liberal bias in the press...

Friday, May 8, 2009

what's it gonna take to wake em up.

Obama cuts benefits to cop's widows and orphans, even as he says he is here to help in this time of a troubled economy... Nancy (speaker of the house) is tap dancing as hard as she can. Trying to get out of the politically expedient lies she has been telling. Democrats (Harry Reid) thinks paying your income tax is voluntary. No wonder so many tax cheaters are in the cabinet.

It still doesn't seem that people get it. These people are not your friends. They are going to sell us all out to stay in power. It's easier to buy a vote than to earn one. Wake up America, you screwed up and now you have to live with it. For god's sake start holding these people responsible for their actions.

Good luck with that one.

A real tragedy

Munchkin Mickey Carroll dies

One of the last surviving Munchkins from the beloved film "The Wizard of Oz" passes away at 89

I was amazed that yahoo news didn't find a way to work Obama's name into the story. Still it was a sad day for little people everywhere. I understand there is a very high jobless rate among little people. Maybe Obama will comment on that before the end of the news cycle.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

see how they feel about it now....

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama sent Congress a detailed budget Thursday boasting of cutting or killing 121 federal programs in a belt-tightening he likened to that of most Americans in difficult times. But the trims amounted to a tiny fraction of the new spending he wants, and some have already been nixed by allies on Capitol Hill.

On the other hand, some of Obama's proposed trims are recycled from George W. Bush's hit list and won't be popular with some Democrats. For instance, he proposed ending a $400 million-a-year program that pays states and counties for keeping illegal immigrants in their jails — a Bush idea rejected previously by the Democratic-controlled Congress.

Obama proposed:
Slashing almost in half a benefits program for the families of slain police and safety officers from $110 million to $60 million.

Doing away with a $142 million program to help states pay to clean up abandoned mines.

He called for a $3 increase in per-segment air fare taxes starting in 2012

New spending

Spending an additional $584 million for pandemic flu efforts, on top of the $1.5 billion in emergency money for 2009 that he asked Congress for in the wake of the swine flu outbreak. (why are they still trying to scare us when there was no epidemic)

Setting up a $1 billion program to develop or rehabilitate housing for the poor.

It's going to be interesting to see how they try to sell those cuts to the people in light of the huge spending increases.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You Gotta Love it

A key part of President Obama's energy plan -- replacing fossil fuels with green alternatives -- is facing increasing opposition from an unlikely source: environmentalists.

Some environmentalists, who have successfully fought a wind farm on the border of Oregon and Washington, are trying to block a massive solar plant in the Mojave desert. And now an Oregon county is considering a ban on wind power in the foothills of the blue mountains.

"We all want to be as green as we can be. But at what cost?" Richard Jolly of the Blue Mountain Alliance. "To take everything from us? This valley could be surrounded by them."

Seems the tree huggers want all this new green crap, just as long as it's not in their backyard. Wasn't that the same thing they said about oil. We will take all we can get, as long as they don't drill for it here.

It's just too funny to see them hustling around trying to find excuses to put that noisy windmill and ugly solar panel in someone else's back yard. I wonder if we are going to have to import solar and wind power next. Just amazing that they can't even be happy when they win.

I expect the dems to knuckle under to them again since they were a vocal group of supporters. Welcome to the real world of the Al Gore's nightmare on elm street.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And now we know..

Yes now we know why the Democrats won the last couple of election cycles.

More Americans taking drugs for mental illness

By Julie Steenhuysen Julie Steenhuysen – Tue May 5, 4:18 am ET

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Many more Americans have been using prescription drugs to treat mental illness, in part because of expanded insurance coverage and greater familiarity with the drugs among primary care doctors, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.

They said 73 percent more adults and 50 percent more children are using drugs to treat mental illness

Well I always said they were crazy....

Monday, May 4, 2009

talk about dumb and dumber

From a distance the large ship on the horizon looked like the perfect target, ripe for a successful spot of piracy.

But as Somali pirates sped toward the vessel sailing near the Seychelles Islands on Sunday, they were horrified to see two boats and a helicopter set off from their target and launch their own counter-attack.

They had failed to spot in the dazzling sun, that the "merchant ship" they thought they were intercepting was actually a French naval ship bristling with cannons, radar technology and armed commandos.

Some days the fish just jump in the boat for you. They got captured of course.

Sometimes I think the reporters are the dumb ones. They keep telling us about all the intel the pirates have and all the modern equipment. If they had all that intel and all the sophisticated equipment the media claims they have, how come they tried to hijack a french gunboat. More snow from the press I think. Pretty much like the swine flu pandemic.. yeah right.

And back home Obama is out cheer leading again. The liberals want to make sure no day goes by without him being the center of attention. I wonder how long it's going to take for the rest of the country to get it. He is just the puppet and a lot of guys have the strings in their hands. It's going to be leadership by faceless men in back rooms I fear. What the democrats found was a charming guy to romance the American people. Running someone the people could feel all intelligent and progressive by voting for got them the office. Now they are going to pull him out every time they have something else to shove down our throats.

What I don't get is the media selling out. Don't they know that the first thing to go in a society that goes bad is the free press. I would be worried if I were them. Of course they are too busy jumping on the press that is a dissenting voice. Life is sure going to be interesting for the next few years.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Like a car with no gas in the tank

Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo!

The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including TN, Illinois and Indiana ) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture, a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.

Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including handloaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!

Please give this the widest distribution possible and contact your Reps!

It's the ammo, not the guns....
I've said for a long time that they wouldn't go for your guns, they'd go for your ammo... guns have a Constitutional protection. Ammo does not. A list of states where this legislation is pending is in the final paragraph. Not in CO yet, they'll go where the pansies are first.

Heads up to all of you who swore to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Let your state Legislatures know that we do not want this bill passed, and petition them to vote no on this bill. We should keep after them until the bill is closed by bombarding them with e-mails, phone calls, and letters.

Get to all your politicians to get to work and NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!! The 2008 Legislative session has begun, and the Ammunition Accountability Act is being introduced across the country. Below is a list of states where legislation has already been introduced:

Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.

More information can be found at:

Tom Williams
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. - Mark Twain (1866)

Deal with the devil...

It looks as though Pakistan will try to appease Washington this time. Last time they tried to appease the Taliban. Looks to me like they are blowing with the wind.

I hope there is a plan to secure those nukes, if the Taliban over runs the place. Everybody's fear is Islamic radicals with a nuke. Sort of like the inquisition in reverse and on steroids.

Well its going to be a mess for a while it seems.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Insurance companies are such thieves

I don't think we have to worry about socialized medicine for a while. Insurance companies are such thieves, they will find a way around whatever the government does.

I say this because we paid our house off and it was time to take a look at our insurance policies. As the agent explained to me you can not insure your house for the market value of the house. You have to insure it for at least 80% of the replacement cost. That cost is figured by what a contractor would charge to produce the same size house but using modern building materials. Even if you try to explain that you would simply walk down the street and buy a house like your for half the replacement cost, you still can't insure your house for that amount of money.

So you ask the agent what happens if my house burns. Answer... We will pay to have the house rebuilt up to the amount of your policy less the deductible. So my house that has a market value of 75k has to be insured for 105k. Now what if I have a total loss? but I don't want to rebuild here. Then you can rebuild somewhere else and we will still pay the contractor up to the amount of your policy.

But I don't want to rebuild at all... I want to buy something already to move into. Answer: Then we will work with you. What does that mean? It means we will work out a deal of some kind.

At this point I backed against the wall. I had a feeling I was in for an unpleasant experience.

So what if I just want to bank the money and live in a retirement community. Answer well in that case we would have to value your house based on a depreciation factor. The house is 80 years old At 2% per year depreciation the house I would have to pay you 60k to settle up.

For this I have paid insurance for 20 years. I have to decide how if feel about paying it any more. I am not required to have insurance now, so I'm going to be looking into it really hard. I expect to find that all insurance companies are thieves.

Oh by the way the agent said we wouldn't carry your insurance unless you insure it for the 105k We wouldn't want you left in a bad place. I said bull shit you want max premiums with minimum risk. He tried to tell me that wasn't the case. I laughed my ass off. I probably am going to have to find a new insurance company. I'm sure that I am now on some kind of watch list. I mean how dare I point out the obvious. Insurance companies are thieves.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lookin' for a home...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration began internal discussions this week over where to put Guantanamo Bay detainees if they are not tried or sent to other nations, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Thursday.

Gates got a hostile reception from several lawmakers over sending any high-security Guantanamo detainees to the U.S. mainland and the defense chief said he anticipated strong opposition to such a move.

"I fully expect to have 535 pieces of legislation before this is over saying: 'Not in my district. Not in my state.' And we'll just have to deal with that when the time comes," Gates told the Senate Appropriations Committee.

I'm thinking tent city like that sheriff out west. Right on the lawn of the white house.

The government is no doubt in the car business

Chrysler will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York, giving Chrysler time to galvanize a partnership with the Italian car maker Fiat Group SpA. The government, which has already poured $4 billion in loans into Chrysler, would provide up to $8 billion more to carry the company through bankruptcy, said senior administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity. The government will also help appoint a new board of directors.

Help appoint the board of directors my ass. There are going to be politicians on the board of directors. The car business just went politically correct. Let the games begin.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I tried to find something NOT about Obama

Yahoo is nothing but cheerleaders for the new president. I think they are pretty much whoring out for him so blatantly that the FCC should take a hard look at them. Anyway my point to this bit is to do a pool. If there is a prize it will have to be decided on later. I want to know how long it will be before a day goes by on Yahoo that the name Obama is not mentioned in the home page news headlines all day.

I expect it will happen when even the fans are sick of all the coverage. So what date do you think it will get back to normal.

Oh yes I'm gonna take it.

WASHINGTON – More than 50 million retirees can expect to receive $250 payments from the government in the next few weeks as their share of the economic stimulus package enacted in February.

I'm going to take it and I'm going to spend it on something frivolous, just like the government wants me to do. Why am no not returning mine, you might ask. I'm not because above all else I am careful with money. I figure I can do more good with it than THEY can. Which is why I thought the republican plan made more sense. Let the people decide how to spend the stimulus money. This is a very small part of the plan that actually might do some good.

By the way I can spend mine on stuff because I'm not drowning in debt. I'm not drowning in debt because I was taught better. It's sad that the government made it possible for generations of people not to learn that lesson.

You see it's like the old give a man a fish story. Instead of teaching people how to earn their own way in the world, uncle sam wrote them a check. It was just easier to do. So now we are paying for it. We always have, but now the government is way, way over extended and worst of all they don't seem to care. It's more of the philosophy that got us here in the first place.

I'll buy something and give somebody in the world a job. A few of them will be American jobs it's a shame that most of them will be foreign. Sorry to say that the way the free economy is working right now. There is a lesson for the businesses in all this but I doubt they will learn it. Make what people what to buy, make it cheap enough, and you will have a job. If you don't make it here, you won't have any customers to buy it here.

Manufacturers need to find a way to make their products in this country. It might mean a bit less profit for them, and it might mean Americans take a job that pays a little less, but at least there will be jobs. Without those jobs business has no one to sell to and they go belly up.

I hope they learned a lesson but the government isn't trying to teach them out of their stupidity, they are trying to buy them out of it. At the very best it is just putting off the hard decissions for another day and another crowd in Washington.

Business can learn the lessons if the government gets tough on trade agreements and illegal immigration. The government needs to get back to doing what it is supposed to do and get out of the business of business.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A good reason not to believe all you hear on the news

The New York Times reported last week that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, was waterboarded 183 times in one month by CIA interrogators. The "183 times" was widely circulated by news outlets throughout the world.

It was shocking. And it was highly misleading. The number is a vast inflation, according to information from a U.S. official and the testimony of the terrorists themselves.

A U.S. official with knowledge of the interrogation program told FOX News that the much-cited figure represents the number of times water was poured onto Mohammed's face -- not the number of times the CIA applied the simulated-drowning technique on the terror suspect. According to a 2007 Red Cross report, he was subjected a total of "five sessions of ill-treatment."

Okay they didn't technically lie, but ..........

I know all politicians distort the facts, and all news people report the worst possible interpretation of it, but come on guys think about how this crap looks overseas before you throw this shit out there for the world to read.

They water boarded the guy five times not 183 times. We can disagree on what is torture and if it works, but why misrepresent the truth. It only harms your point of view when the facts come out. Five times is as bad as 183 to those who feel this is wrong, you didn't need to further inflame the passions of the world.

Oh by the way the Democrats have found a way to blame republicans for the Swine flu. Do these guys look like fools or what. The tiny minority of republicans gutted the bloated stimulus package. You remember that is the one that the democrats had control of. It seems that is their new excuse, as if they needed one. This is going to prove to be much to do about nothing. Just another political football and something to fill all that time on th 24hour news whores network.

If they felt the need for additional flu money they should have fought for it. Since they didn't, I can only assume the Democrats felt it better to cut the flu money than some bridge to nowhere.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Well Duh

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials said Monday they were acting aggressively to confront the spreading swine flu virus — now confirmed in 40 victims — while President Barack Obama said there was concern but not yet "a cause for alarm," A travel advisory was being prepared suggesting Americans not travel to Mexico, center of the outbreak.

Dr. Richard Besser, acting director of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, said that so far the disease in the United States seems less severe than the outbreak in Mexico, where more than 1,600 cases have been reported and where the suspected death toll has climbed to 149. No deaths have been reported in the U.S.

In the usa people are in generally in better health than those in a third world country. Yes the flu will make you sick. You might even wish you were dead, but unless you are already weakened, you should recover from it easily. This is another one of those over blown media stories. Yes if I lived in Argentina or Africa I would be pretty darn worried. But I don't and they probably don't even know it is coming.

I live in a country that has proper health care facilities. One where those facilities are available to everyone, insured or not some kind of health care is available. Try that in Mexico. The poor malnourished and uncared for peasants living in poverty and disease will die. The wealthy, well cared for will be sick. In this country the deaths will be few and confined to the old and weakened ones I'm sure.

Oh hell I'm old... Maybe I should be worried more after all.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


ROME – An Italian cruise ship with 1,500 people on board fended off a pirate attack far off the coast of Somalia when its Israeli private security forces exchanged fire with the bandits.

Six men in a small, white Zodiac-type boat approached the Msc Melody at about 1730 GMT Saturday and opened fire with automatic weapons, Msc Cruises director Domenico Pellegrino said. They retreated after the security officers returned fire and sprayed them with water hoses.

Don't you know these were some shocked pirates. Worst of all today when the find out it was Israelis doing the shooting. Just one more case of that Zionist aggression.

Reminds me of the Muslim who tried to attack the El Al airline ticket desk. He was shocked to find out that even in the U.S. the Israelis were armed. It was not a pretty sight I am told.

Soon it will be Black Water supplying security agents I expect. If that happens there will likely be lots of dead pirates.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

If I remembered BILL

BAGHDAD – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to reassure nervous Iraqis that the U.S. won't abandon them, even as she said the American troop withdrawal would stay on schedule despite a recent surge in violence.

Since I remember Bill and Somalia I would be nervous if I was in Iraq as well. Hilary is there to reassure the people of Iraq that we feel your pain but we are leaving anyway. Good luck with those wolves at your door.

Sad Song...

I suppose Jan and Dean will be having a farewell party for their little GTO. It seems Pontiac is headed for the scrap heap. Well it is probably time to stop making the same cars with different taillights. The same might be true for Ford Mercury. Maybe it's time that we as American's stopped needing our cars to be a little different to make us feel a little more individual. Maybe it's time we did the big brother thing.

No wait that's why our country was the world's leader in so many things. We were a population of non conformist and malcontents. We were always looking for ways for the individual to stand out.

I said were because the future is up for grabs. We my well be headed for the long gray line of people dressed the same, thinking the same, and waiting for our daily soylent green ration. Lets hope not.

Let's hope we come through this with our country still the place for innovations based on greed. A few people do things for purely selfless motives, but not nearly as many as those who do things to better their own lives and in the process better all our lives.

There is no need to explore what happens when the government tries to run the economy. Take a look at the old soviet union to see it. Lets not cause a huge failure by trying to prevent a smaller one. Let's not create a catastrophe just to prevent some market adjustments. I know this is a huge deal just now but lets not create a monster that is going to eat us all.

Please tell me you don't really believe that the banks didn't learned a lesson without professor Obama having to teach it. The banks are struggling to survive, trust me they learned something about making shaky loans. Now the government is trying to convince them to make more shaky loans. The government wants the same people who investing in arm mortgages to have access to more credit. That is just crazy.

A family about to fail because they were a bad credit risk last week, is not a better credit risk this week. The business that can't stay afloat because the economy is bad, may not be able to stay afloat long enough to pay back that loan. Do we really want the government to decide who our banks lend to. If they decide guess what, the banks become an extension of the government. Is that what we want.

I think that people who had Arm loans got them because they could not afford conventional loan payments. So the government convinced the banks to renegotiate them. Instead of all failing at once, they are going to spread them out over a couple of years maybe. It's a shell game guys.

Friday, April 24, 2009

we wonder why

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – In a second day of major bloodshed, two suicide bombers wearing explosive vests blew themselves up at the gates of a Shi'ite Muslim shrine in Baghdad on Friday, killing 60 people, Iraqi police said.

At least 125 people were wounded in the attack at the Imam Moussa al-Kadhim shrine in the Shi'ite neighborhood of Kadhimiya, a frequent target of insurgent groups, police said.

Now this guy was probably going hungry, lived in a shack, and was a religious zealot.

Then there is the CEO of Freddie Mac who offs himself in the basement of his house. The guy has money, yeah he lost a couple of million on bad stock at Freddie, but he was still working and had a good job and family. He might have been under investigation but he still had time to work through it maybe.

So which one should really surprise us. No it is not alright to take 60 people with you, but he is more understandable to me than the CEO. Of course I wasn't in either's head at the time thank god. Still you have to wonder why.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I might be the only one

I might be the only right winger to say let them prosecute everyone they want to. I expect they are going to find that there is nothing to prosecute. Right now they are making political hay. What's it going to be like if they find there was nothing illegal done. Will they apologize? not a chance. At least they might shut up about it. Even if they find something they can call illegal, what jury do you think will find anyone guilty. Not if the defense lawyer explains what it was they authorized and what good it did.

Do we want our grand kid's safety in the hands of one so timid that water boarding makes him cringe. I want someone in the oval office who will do whatever it takes to keep my grand kids safe. We might differ on what that is, but at least be willing to do it if it works. They chop off heads and we water board only the worst of them and this makes us the bad guys. Get a grip people...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Who's right Who's wrong and who cares

HAVANA – Fidel Castro says President Barack Obama "misinterpreted" his brother Raul's remarks regarding the United States and bristled at the suggestion that Cuba should free political prisoners or cut taxes on dollars people send to the island.

Raul Castro touched off a whirlwind of speculation last week that the U.S. and Cuba could be headed toward a thaw after nearly a half-century of chilly relations. The speculation began when the Cuban president said leaders would be willing to sit down with their U.S. counterparts and discuss "everything, everything, everything," including human rights, freedom of the press and expression, and political prisoners.

Obama responded at the Summit of the Americas by saying Washington seeks a new beginning with Cuba. But as he prepared to leave the summit Sunday, Obama also called on Cuba to release political prisoners and reduce taxes on remittances from the U.S.

That appeared to enrage Fidel Castro, 82, who wrote in an essay published Wednesday that Obama "without a doubt misinterpreted Raul's declarations."

It's all BULLSHIT anyway. Cuba has nothing we need why are we trying to play nice with them anyway.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

whats next

So now the president with no backbone just gave in to the congress again. He is going to let them try to prosecute the lawyers who wrote the memo. The only problem is where is the law they broke.

Of course he left himself in the clear by saying. "Well it really isn't my call." Bullshit it was your call on Saturday and Sunday Even yesterday, but today it's not your call. What a wimp.
WASHINGTON – For the first time, an accused domestic terrorist is being added to the FBI's list of "Most Wanted" terror suspects.

Daniel Andreas San Diego, a 31-year-old computer specialist from Berkeley, Calif., is wanted for the 2003 bombings of two corporate offices in California.
San Diego would be the 24th person on the list, and the only domestic terror suspect.

An arrest warrant was issued for San Diego after the 2003 bombings in northern California of the corporate offices of Chiron Corp., a biotechnology firm, and at Shaklee Corp., a nutrition and cosmetics company. The explosions caused minor damages and no injuries.

The move to add a domestic, left-wing terrorist to the list comes only days after the Obama administration was criticized for internal reports suggesting some military veterans could be susceptible to right-wing extremist recruiters or commit lone acts of violence. That prompted angry reactions from some lawmakers and veterans groups.

The FBI's "Most Wanted" terrorist list is distinct from the much longer-running "Ten Most Wanted" list. Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden is on both.

They wanted to justify their comments about domestic terrorists, so rather than apologize and move on, this guy, who hurt no one and did minor damage, is now on the same list as Osama Ben Laden. This administration would be laughable, they are so transparent, if the life or death of our way of life wasn't at stake. The adminsitration that couldn't shoot straight.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Think about this

The reason they don't prosecute the lawyers who said it was legal to use those interrogation methods most likely isn't to close the book on it all as they claim. I think it is most likely that they are not sure they could win a guilty verdict. If they could just dictate the outcome they would.

They are most likely afraid of, it not an outright acquittal, at least a hung jury. What would that say about the administration's decision to release the memos. Even more what would it say about all the acres of BS they have been sowing. What would it do to the president's campaign. if he were to be just plain wrong about it all. It's another no guts decision. He can't count on a jury like he could count on the democratic congress. A jury is made up of real people not politicians in a power struggle. So why risk it. It isn't healing, it's just good politics. Every lawyer knows you don't ask question unless you know the answer.

I wish they would try them just to put an end to this bull. As it is they will keep it going into infinity. There will be no one to ask the simple question, if you are standing on principal not politics as usual, then have the balls to throw the dice.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you

MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Gunmen have demanded a $1 million ransom for the release of three aid workers taken over the weekend, a local elder told Reuters on Monday.

Somalia is one of the world's most dangerous places for aid workers and is suffering one of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies, with 3 million people dependent on food aid.

Attacks on relief organizations, normally blamed on Islamist rebels or clan militias, have forced groups to scale back on humanitarian operations.

"We came back this morning with empty hands," said local elder Aden Isak Ali from Rabdhure town, near where gunmen seized a medical team from the charity MSF-Belgium.

"The gunmen who hijacked MSF aid workers told us this morning that they will only release the foreign workers if they are given one million U.S. dollars as ransom," he said.

MSF in Brussels confirmed on Monday two male doctors from Belgium and Holland had been kidnapped. A local MSF worker said a Somali employee was also taken.

I often wondered what would happen if government broke down completely, So this is what happens. The world tries to help, but the lawless just take advantage of them. It seems anarchist are not really in it for the greater good after all. When the thugs toppled the government I'm sure the people thought any change would be better than what they had.

There is a lesson in this about change. Change can be good or bad. Make sure you know what you are buying before you put your money down. Hope is a good thing, informed hope is a better thing.

Where is 'The meek shall inherit the earth' model when you need it? Seems we need a few tall men to make sure the meek don't get swallowed up by the greedy bastards of this world.

My plan isn't going to solve all the problem but might be a start. Explain to the above mentioned elder there will be no ransom... The people he elders over will all starve unless he provide intel on the thugs. When we get it go in and kill them all. Just to prevent anyone of them from killing the village informant. Then put their heads on a pike outside the place where the doctors were taken hostage.

Remember these thugs are in it for the money, there is no profit in killing the hostages. Get a good plan to rescue them and do it ruthlessly.

There is a KGB story. In Lebanon they took Americans hostage by the score but not Russians. Supposedly they took one Russian hostage. The KGB could not find him but they found people who knew people and they harshly interrogated them them. They got a name of the leader of the cell.

Supposedly the KGB found the man's brother who was not a terrorist. They cut off his head and dropped on the hostage takers father's doorstep. That they say is why there were no Russians kidnapped in Lebanon.

Since we hired ex Nazis to get into space, maybe we should hire a few ex KGB agents. That is if we haven't already.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


So it's been a hundred days and what has really changed. The world seems to love the new president. Of course they are not going to be picking up the tab for his easy acceptance. My grandson gets that privilege.

Tell everyone what they want to hear and smile a lot seems to be formula for success. I have to admit it worked for Bill Clinton. This one seems to be all charm and little substance, just like good old Bill. Remember Somali we had a chance to make a difference there but it was too tough for Bill. Where as Bush has little charm, but he does have balls. The jury is out on Obama, but he looks a lot like Bill Clinton to me.

I once told my step daughter I would like for you to do what I tell you because you love me or respect me, but you can do it because you fear me. Either way if you live in my house you will do it.

If they love you when you tell them what they want to hear and that's your one trick, mr. pony, What you gonna do when they realize it's just a facade. It's just one of those Hollywood movie sets. If they turn against you will you have the balls to do the right thing or will you cave in. I do think we might have an actor to put Ronald Ragan to shame. Frankly Ronnie was a better president that actor. You do remember bedtime for bonzo, a true Ragan classic.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time to stop campaigning

It's probably time for President Obama to begin acting like our president not like he is campaigning for world president. He could start here...

The White House said President Barack Obama was "deeply disappointed" by the conviction, while the journalist's father told a radio station his daughter was tricked into making incriminating statements by officials who told her they would free her if she did.

Maybe he can charm the President of Iran. He might want to try charming the insurrectionists in Iraq who shelled the green zone for the first time in months. Tell them they can have the country if they just wait but that's not all they want. They want to make the US look weak. If they do that then it will be easier to recruit people to do harm to us. Give a thought to manning up Mr. President.

who said what and when...

This is the story going around in my email. I can not vouch for it but the email said that the seals were on station every early in the game. They proposed several actions and were refused permission every time. On that final night it was determined that the commander on the scene had the authority to give the seals a go if there appeared to be an imminent threat. The implication was that no one in Washington would have so the local commander made the call and would have taken the heat if it went bad.

If it had gone wrong the blame would have gone onto the local commander but the credit seemed to go to the president. Strange how that works out most of the time.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

tax deadline... time to reflect.

I pay my taxes in full and on time. I do not work for the government and have to plans to do so. Then why do I pay my taxes in full and on time? you might ask. I'm not sure it is the going to jail, or losing everything as much as it is, "It's the right thing to do." You know a man has an obligation as a citizen of this country to pay taxes, even if he doesn't agree with the policies of that government. Just as the government has an obligation to spend that money wisely for the common good.

So why the hell do so many of the Obama administration have tax problems. I think it is because they don't see taxes the same as you and me. For one thing they know how to avoid the consequences of not paying. Postpone, avoid, and litigate seems to be the way these guys work. That's fine for the lawyer downtown. I suppose.

My question is, "IS this the kind of men we want spending our money for the common good?" Even worse we have the leader of the country making excuses for them as if this is not a moral issue. Then again with Joe Biden, with the foot long nose, as his partner in crime what can we expect.

By the way, Where are these changes they promised us. Except for the massive dept they are running up, it seems to be business as usual. Or worse yet. old left wing liberalism slipping back into government under the guise of change. Where is this change I can believe in?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No Captian Jack Sparrow here

The Somalia pirates are not a laughing matter. Piracy is extremely dangerous and one of these days people are going to die. Maybe that is what it will take for the world to take care of these thugs. We should have learned a lesson in Somalia last time, but we ran out and left the job unfinished. I do hope we don't do a half assed job on this problem.

In the short term I'm thinking armed predator drones. The boats can't get there in time, but those buzz bombs most likely could. Sink a few of the mother ships along with the skiff crews and this might ease up a little. Of course if it's piracy or starvation I expect I would be grabbing ships as well.

Unlike Bush in iraq, Clinton ran out on Somalia and now we are where we are. Most of the time the easy way isn't the best way.

Monday, April 13, 2009

the man is a politician.

Seems like the warrantless wiretap for terrorist was such a bad bad idea during the election but not now. Suddenly it's a really, really a good idea. Lots of things like that going on. I do hope someone is keeping score. Too bad John McCain is an honorable man or he could have played to the crowd and maybe done a little better. Shades of Bill Clinton, tell them anything to get elected.

A political decission?

Even if it was a political decision to be tough in such a public situation it was the right message to send. The man is a political no doubt. This one I'm giving him a pass on for the moment. The story has yet to unfold completely.

Now I'm trying to figure out why the hell the Sunday school teacher killed the child. I have heard lots of people wondering the same thing.

Ps added after more news comes out. I do hope the appeasers don't second guess the seals.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

just read it

I just read it on yahoo that Obama authorized the navy to kill the pirates if the Captain was in danger. If that proves to be the case then maybe I was wrong and the man isn't totally out of touch with reality. If so I will withdraw my noball obama label.

I do believe in being fair.

update on no news

There is news and it is great news. We got it right. This time we don't need top second guess how the captain got free. I'm sure some bleeding heart will remind us there thugs died in the end, but I frankly don't give a damn.

God speed Captain. And to those who did the shooting killing someone is not something to enjoy but doing one's duty and saving a life is. So congratulations on that part of it.

No news is good news or is it.

Nothing has happened in the hostage arena. Is this going to be a mini iran hostage debacle? Who knows.

It's Easter Sunday with a little luck all the politicos will lay low today. It would be nice to have a little peace.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I have to stop reading

I have to stop reading left wing blogs, my heart isn't good enough to take the rise in blood pressure. Their comments are ten times as nasty as the republicans. At least the ones I read.

One of the favorites is to compare a conclusion based on worldwide erroneous intelligence with a deliberate self aggrandizing lie by Joe Biden. You know guys there is a difference between being wrong and telling a lie just to make yourself look smarter.

I can't believe the lack of civility from the left wingers. To call a former president a thug is just sickening. We never call Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton such names. To me it is just unbelievable that they can't make their points with at least some attempt at civility.

I wonder does my calling the new president no balls Obama make me sound like a wacko lol...

Nothing new in the news

So far today nothing new is happening. In spite of a few thousand seamen within a mile of that lifeboat, we can't get it done. This is going to be a case where three or four guys without shoes hold not just a ship captain hostage but this nation. It is going to be open seasons on American citizens again. I'm glad I can't afford to travel.

The arrested a female neighbor for the killing of that eight year old child in California is curious. I wonder why she did it if she did it. Most of the time when the cops make an arrest, the person is guilty of something. This one is hard to believe but you have to know there is something to it. Probably more at eleven on this story.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Joe Biden and the pirates.

Sounds like a good tittle for a book. A fiction book of course. When Joe and no balls get through with the news report, it will George Bush who led the pirate attack. Hey guys look around Bush is gone. It's time to step up and take responsibility for what is happening now. It was on your watch that the first pirate attack on an American ship in 200 years happened. Now I know you are going to say it was coincidence but trust me it wasn't.

And Joe, they are going to pull out Bush's appointment books and prove you are full of crap. Joe has a bad habit of making things up. Now he is either delusional or a liar. I'm not sure I want a vice president who is either. Oh wait, he is probably just a liar. He needs to be to fit in with the rest of them. Then again they may all be delusional.

When the results of all this spending money that doesn't really exist comes home to roost, we the people might take off the rose colored glasses. Still maybe not common sense should have told people during the election who this guy really was. Problem was the media branded anybody who pointed it out as a racist. That's just so much crap.

The Reverend Wright his old bud even said it and no one listened. He said something like, he is a politician, when Wright was asked about Obama;s throwing him under the bus. Nobody heard that part. They heard Wright's rants from the pulpit, so it was okay for Obama to dump him. It was necessary but Obama was there in that church as a politician to gain the votes needed for his state election. He had to be one of the people then too. Get with it people he is a typical politician, he will say or do whatever is politically expedient. Why power of course, well he fooled enough of the people enough of the time to get to the top. The best we can do now is to keep your backs against the wall, and a firm grip on the soap.

When inflation starts eating away at what's left of your paycheck after taxes, you just might get it America. He is right about one thing, there are better days ahead. That day is when the left wing nuts are finished. No matter how they screw it up, this country can always come back. We survived Jimmy Carter, this guy is just another version of the same. Remember the Iran hostage situation that went on for what seemed like forever. There is already a mini hostage situation off the coast of Africa and it wont be the last. They are going to fool around and let this become an even bigger blackeye for the US. Diplomacy will not work on barbarians.

PS. I was right as I knew I would be. The obama hacks are out blaming this on George Bush... Have these guys no shame.