Monday, May 4, 2009

talk about dumb and dumber

From a distance the large ship on the horizon looked like the perfect target, ripe for a successful spot of piracy.

But as Somali pirates sped toward the vessel sailing near the Seychelles Islands on Sunday, they were horrified to see two boats and a helicopter set off from their target and launch their own counter-attack.

They had failed to spot in the dazzling sun, that the "merchant ship" they thought they were intercepting was actually a French naval ship bristling with cannons, radar technology and armed commandos.

Some days the fish just jump in the boat for you. They got captured of course.

Sometimes I think the reporters are the dumb ones. They keep telling us about all the intel the pirates have and all the modern equipment. If they had all that intel and all the sophisticated equipment the media claims they have, how come they tried to hijack a french gunboat. More snow from the press I think. Pretty much like the swine flu pandemic.. yeah right.

And back home Obama is out cheer leading again. The liberals want to make sure no day goes by without him being the center of attention. I wonder how long it's going to take for the rest of the country to get it. He is just the puppet and a lot of guys have the strings in their hands. It's going to be leadership by faceless men in back rooms I fear. What the democrats found was a charming guy to romance the American people. Running someone the people could feel all intelligent and progressive by voting for got them the office. Now they are going to pull him out every time they have something else to shove down our throats.

What I don't get is the media selling out. Don't they know that the first thing to go in a society that goes bad is the free press. I would be worried if I were them. Of course they are too busy jumping on the press that is a dissenting voice. Life is sure going to be interesting for the next few years.

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