Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where is the drama

Following our new president. There is enough drama in the world right now to keep him on the front pages. W0hen there isn't any more drama, he is going to make some. I'm positive of that.

He chose to address the naval academy this week. He could have gone to west point, the Coast Guard or even the Air Force academies but John McCain's son Jack was graduated from the Naval Academy so he went there. What a no class move that was. The publicity was better since the media could make a big deal of Jack being part of the show. McCain had to ask him not to mention his family in his speech. He did respect that request the president at least did that right, thought I'm sure it was hard for him to do.

Obama wanted to be sure the cameras would rolled when he said I wont send you to war needlessly. That sure takes the military option off the table for most emergencies. Good call BO.. Now the world leaders are sure you have no spine. By the way, Afghanistan is going to break your heart guy. Ask the soviets if you doubt it.

I guess I'm going to have to give him a new name.... Drama Obama... Could he find more excuses to do his politicking or what. I suppose he thinks going to The Navy Academy graduation showed class, well he was wrong. It showed him to be the narcissistic politician some of us knew that he was all along.

Well guys we definitely have not seen the last of him not even for a day.

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