Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So now what???

Somali pirates hijack ship; 20 Americans aboard

Are we to be held for ransom like some third world country. I can not believe we allowed this to happen. Surely it's time we use an old strategy from god knows how long ago. The escorted convoy seems like a pretty good idea at the moment. Set up a rendezvous point and escort the shipping around this area. I know you can't be everywhere at once but offer shipping a chance to go through protected. I expect they would line up for it.

I'm sure we can find the mother ships for these so called pirates. After all we have real time satellite intel that can give you the license plate number on a car driving down the road. I have a feeling that when the ship came under attack they radioed for help. How about air support. Okay you can't get there in time to save the vessel under attack, how about just sinking the mother ship. I'm thinking tomahawk missile down the main stack. A couple of times should be all it takes. I don't think the guys in the speed boats will be in a hurry to execute anyone if they have no way home.

Lets see what (no balls) Obama does this time. More campaign style speeches I expect. It's time he stopped worrying about what the world thinks and set things right. I know it sounds a lot like George Bush. Remind me again how many American flagged ships did they take when Bush was president.

Oh I remember now NONE. Nothing like a cowboy with his finger on the trigger to make a thug think twice.

Answer me this honestly. If you were in a dark alley being mugged who would you want to show up. Obama with a prepared speech about violence in America or George Bush with a .357. I think that one is obvious even to the bleeding heart liberals.


  1. I pick the Texan with the gun..................Bob

  2. I like your style and yes, i'd go with the guy with the gun! One well placed bomb would solve this and many other problems. To try to "talk' with these kind is like asking the mouse to talk to the cat that is about to eat it.

  3. Oh, I think eventually, these ship captains will start to carry weapons for defense. They have all had this option since last summer, but so far none of these shipping crews want to do it. But I bet they will when it comes to the point that these pirates start taking lives!

    The whole idea with these pirates is only the money for ransom thing, but when someone gets killed, that'll be the day that folks will wake up and take notice and arm themselves against these nuts.

    I have to agree though, what or when are "they" actually going to take of this problem before someone finally gets killed from it?

    Yeah, I certainly wouldn't want Obama coming around to hear his hot air...........I wouldn't even invite the bum in!
